- Kateqoriya: Maliyyə
- Şəhər: Bakı
- İş təcrübəsi: 1 ildən az
- Maaş: Müsahibə əsasında
- Təhsil: Bakalavr
- İş rejimi: Təcrübəçi
- Elan ID: 10715
- E-poçt: [email protected]
- Elanın yerləşdirmə tarixi: 21.02.2025
- Elanın bitmə tarixi: 23.03.2025
Namizədə tələblər
- Be a graduate or last-year student; have an interest in accounting and audit
- Knowledge of audit theory is an advantage
- Readiness for intensive work and learning
- Certifications on CIA, ACCA, CFE, CFA, CPA levels is an advantage.
- Good analytical ability and strong communication skills.
- Time management skills
- Opportunity to work full time
- Foreign Language: English (intermediate), Russian is an advantage
- Good MS Office skills particularly strong capabilities in MS Excel
İş haqqında məlumat
- Taking part in different stages of Audit projects
- Implement sound analytical procedures and report to management
- Preparation of financial statements under the International Financial Reporting Standards
- Establish working relationships with client personnel
- Ability to perform analytical review of audit documents
- Implement the set tasks in the required time and quality
- Identify accounting and auditing issues; perform research to solve issues that arise