
FINCA Azerbaijan

Количество вакансий: 6

О компании

The FINCA INTERNATIONAL GLOBAL MISSION is to alleviate poverty through lasting solutions that help people build assets, create jobs and raise their standard of living.


The FINCA IMPACT FINANCE PURPOSE is to be an unconventional community-based bank that profitably and responsibly provides innovative and impactful financial services to enable low-income individuals and communities to invest in their futures.


Launched in 1998, FINCA Azerbaijan is part of FINCA Impact Finance’s global network of 20 banks and microfinance institutions reaching more than 2.6 million clients through 20 subsidiaries in five continents.


FINCA Azerbaijan is a leader in responsible finance, serving small businesses across the country with loan products to promote profitable business activity. FINCA Azerbaijan emphasizes empowering entrepreneurs in the agriculture sector.

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