
Regional Sales Representative

  • Kateqoriya: Satış
  • Şəhər: Bakı
  • İş təcrübəsi: 1 ildən az
  • Maaş: Müsahibə əsasında
  • İş rejimi: Tam-ştat
  • Elan ID: 10273
  • E-poçt: [email protected]
  • Elanın yerləşdirmə tarixi: 10.02.2025
  • Elanın bitmə tarixi: 12.03.2025
İş haqqında məlumat
  • Actively investigates business opportunities supporting the overpassing individual KPI’s;
  • Elaborates commercial offers in the frame of the Commercial Policy;
  • Keeps the regular contact in person and/or by phone with Clients, prospects and influencers, according to the plan of visits;
  • Is responsible for the contracts management considering the volume aspects, logistics, price and payment conditions;
  • Does the follow-up of current results through business meetings with Clients, ensure the signature of related annexes and other documentation like reconciliation acts, waybills, etc.)
  • Is responsible for all business parameters of his region (market share, direct sales volumes, prices, net sales, number of active Customers and active POS, collection of outstanding debts)
  • Provides and accurately analyses and forecasts/plans sales volume in order to optimize company production and procurement activities;
  • Elaborates the action plan for the region and for the TOP customers that supports the achievement of KPI’s;
  • Elaborates and share reports on the executed commercial activity, like pricing report, market intelligence, visits reports, cash collection forecasts, etc.
  • Monitors and reports competition, LGS and import activities and follows after-review decisions and strategies of company
  • Provides and maintains positive customer relationship in order to promote and strengthen company image in the market
  • Provides technical support to customers
  • Positively represents and defends the Company’s interests in relationship with market stakeholders;
  • Participates at Holcim marketing campaigns in the managed region;
  • Is responsible for accurate management of the costs associated to his/her commercial activity (trip expenses, fuel consumption, promo materials, marketing activities, etc)
  • Acts with integrity and respects the Code of Business Conduct of the Company
  • Is fully aware of and strictly follow the safety rules and regulations in the company to ensure safe working environment for him/her-self and people around
  • Şirkətlər
    Vakansiya yerləşdir
  • İş axtaranlar
    CV yerləşdir
  • Digər
    Qaydalar və iş prinsipi

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