- Kateqoriya: İnzibati
- Şəhər: Bakı
- İş təcrübəsi: 3-5 il
- Maaş: Müsahibə əsasında
- Təhsil: Bakalavr
- İş rejimi: Tam-ştat
- Elan ID: 10180
- E-poçt: [email protected]
- Elanın yerləşdirmə tarixi: 06.02.2025
- Elanın bitmə tarixi: 08.03.2025
Namizədə tələblər
- Bachelor degree in BA, Logistics and Supply Chain management
- Minimum 3 years of experience Project management, Sales, Logistics, Supply Chain
- Proficiency in Azerbaijani, English, Russian
- Commercial and business awareness
- Excellent communication and presentation skills
- Strong organizational skills, attention to detail
- Capability to work independently, remotely and under strict deadlines, maintaining high standards of quality.
İş haqqında məlumat
Report to CEO
- Develop and manage project activities, ensuring adherence to timeline and budget
- Complete required reports and maintain project records
- Monitor project expenses and justify costs
- Act as the representative of Q-STP, maintaining strong communication with partners, stakeholders and target groups
- Plan and execute communication activities to promote project outcomes