
Learning & Development Specialist

  • Kateqoriya: Maliyyə
  • Şəhər: Bakı
  • İş təcrübəsi: 1-3 il
  • Maaş: Müsahibə əsasında
  • Təhsil: Bakalavr
  • İş rejimi: Tam-ştat
  • Elan ID: 8220
  • E-poçt: [email protected]
  • Elanın yerləşdirmə tarixi: 18.10.2024
  • Elanın bitmə tarixi: 17.11.2024
Namizədə tələblər
  • Bachelor's Degree in Human Resources, Organizational Development, Education, Psychology, or a related field.
  • Certification in Learning & Development (e.g., CIPD, SHRM) is often preferred.
  • 2-3 years of experience in a similar role within retail, market chains, or any fast-paced environment.
  • Experience in training program design and implementation.
  • Proven track record in talent development and employee engagement strategies.
  • Ability to create engaging training content.
  • Efficient planning, execution, and evaluation of training initiatives.
  • Assessing training needs, measuring effectiveness, and adjusting programs accordingly.
  • Clear, effective communication for both small groups and large audiences.
  • Ability to work with various departments and levels of the organization.
  • Able to tailor learning solutions to fit the unique challenges of a market chain with diverse locations and functions.
  • Awareness of the unique challenges faced by retail employees, such as customer service, sales techniques, and operational efficiency.
  • Conducting assessments to identify employee skill gaps and training needs.
  • Delivering training in person or through digital platforms.
  • Measuring the impact of training programs and making improvements based on feedback and results.
  • Working closely with department heads to align training with company goals and initiatives.
  • Ability to design interactive and engaging learning experiences.
İş haqqında məlumat
  • Identify and assess the training needs of the organization through job analysis and career paths;
  • Implement effective and purposeful training methods; develop training manuals that target tangible results, ensures that training materials and programs are current, accurate, and effective;
  • Assess employees’ skills, performance, and productivity to identify areas of improvement;
  • Ensure that quality control checks are built into the successful implementation of training plans, deliverables, and strategies;
  • Ensure that Company Policies and Standard Operating Procedures are adhered to and followed at all times.
  • Conduct the onboarding process to integrate new employees into the company efficiently and effectively.
  • Implementation of the action plan of internship programs
  • Organizing panel interview for managerial positions in stores and making recommendations for training and development based on the results of the evaluation
  • Organize, manage, and develop ongoing training programs for English language courses to enhance employees' language skills.



Interested candidates may apply for the role by sending resume to the email address, mentioning "Learning & Development Specialist” in theme tab. Pease note that only selected candidates will be contacted regarding next steps of recruitment process.

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