- Kateqoriya: Təhsil və elm
- Şəhər: Bakı
- İş təcrübəsi: 1 ildən az
- Maaş: Müsahibə əsasında
- Təhsil: Bakalavr
- İş rejimi: Tam-ştat
- Elan ID: 10882
- E-poçt: [email protected]
- Elanın yerləşdirmə tarixi: 26.02.2025
- Elanın bitmə tarixi: 28.03.2025
Namizədə tələblər
- Higher education (preferably a master’s degree)
- Minimum two years of HSE experience
- Excellent knowledge of computer office standard applications
- Excellent communication, planning, and organizational skills
- Confident self-starter who can work independently
- Experience working in and managing an HSE Management system environment
- Knowledge of internal, external, and third-party certification audits
- Knowledge of HSE standards and legal requirements
İş haqqında məlumat
EAS is seeking an experienced, dynamic, and motivated HSE Coordinator. This role supports all required HSE activities on both school campuses. It has responsibility for ensuring that the company's HSE and related activities are adequately maintained and implemented so that resulting actions are delivered effectively, minimizing risks.
- Offers knowledge and skills to generate and promote a positive HSE culture
- Ensuring all HSE Management System documentation is kept up-to-date and ensuring policies and practices are adopted
- Assist in planning, implementing, monitoring, and reviewing all aspects of the HSE management system
- Maintains HSE performance databases according to company requirements
- Conducts system, and office-based audits, closes out audit findings, creates audit reports, and determines proper corrective and preventive actions.
- Propose changes to working practices that are safe and add to an improved Company HSE performance
- Keeps up to date with new developments and maintains a working knowledge of the latest HSE-related techniques and developments
- Supports continual improvement initiatives
- Develops Safety and Environmental activities
- Leads in-house HSE training
- Maintains contact with Training providers
- Manages and maintains the company's Incident reporting system
- Coordinates attendance and prepares HSE meeting agendas
- Maintains document control and records registry
- Liaises with regulatory bodies to ensure compliance with the latest legislation
- Communicates regular safety moments
- Supplies monthly incident reporting information
- Reports HSE incidents and track to closure
Application procedures
If you are interested in applying, please send a cover letter with a CV addressing relevant qualifications and experience to the e-mail address.
CVs without cover letters will not be considered. In the subject line of your e-mail message, please mention the title of the position you are applying for. No information inquiries will be handled over the phone. Only short-listed candidates will be notified of the interview.
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