
Electrical Engineer

  • Категория: Sənaye və kənd təsərrüfatı
  • Город: Bakı
  • Опыт работы: 3-5 il
  • Зарплата: На основе интервью
  • Режим работы: Tam-ştat
  • ID: 10997
  • Эл. Почта: [email protected]
  • Дата публикации объявления: 28.02.2025
  • Дата окончания объявления: 30.03.2025

Требования к кандидату

  • At least 3-5 years of experience in Construction;
  • Experience in on-site LV and ELV applications;
  • Good command in English;
  • Excellent computer proficiency (MS Office –Word, Excel and Outlook);
  • Excellent AutoCAD skills;
  • Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines, while maintaining a positive attitude;
  • Ability to work independently;
  • Problem solving skills and decision-making.


Education Requirements:

  • Bachelor of science or higher degree from reputable universities in electrical engineering.
Информация о работе
  • Review plans for future buildings, and inspect new buildings to ensure compatibility with existing electrical codes and maintenance standards;
  • Monitor the acquisition and use of materials;
  • Inspect new construction and remodels;
  • Monitoring the Electrical (LV, ELV, IT) subcontractor works on site (quality & workers quantity);
  • Assist Engineers in design requirements;
  • Monitoring of test commissioning activities and handover process.
  • Компании
    Опубликовать вакансию
  • Соискатели
    Опубликовать резюме
  • Прочее
    О нас
    Правила и принцип работы
    Политика конфиденциальности

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